
经过Jinu Koshy,Shashank Narain Mathur,查德·瓦特(Chad Watt),哈里·基尔·休斯(Harry Keir Hughes), October 2020 | POV | 14 min read |通过电子邮件发送这篇文章|下载
A race is underway between hyperscalers and telcos to lead an edge ecosystem of 5G services. Both have their respective strengths across infrastructure, operations, and applications. But who will win?


边缘不是新的,但价值正在增长。内容交付网络一直在使用Edge Computing来缓存内容并为运营商节省运输成本。但是,随着5G启动和运行,新的用例正在出现,这使得优势变得更加重要。竞争性在线游戏(称为电子竞技)是1380亿美元的视频游戏行业的越来越多的部分1毫秒延迟会导致损失。使用游戏作为服务(GAAS),5G和EDGE将支持增强现实(AR)/虚拟现实(VR)环境中游戏爱好者所需的超低延迟吞吐量。在智能城市,Edge系统可以处理从设备(包括智能摄像机和无人机)收集的数据,以使领导者能够更快地对流量,紧急情况或其他意外更改做出更快的反应。就智能工厂而言,除了减少延迟外,Edge可以通过将数据保留在工厂的范围内,从而成为数据隐私和安全性的推动者。总的来说,跨行业的现金是巨大的。到2023年,5G和Edge将在工业制造业,互联医疗保健,智能运输,环境监测和游戏中提供5170亿美元的收入。2




这些高度标准的自信和饥饿者的目标是使用边缘计算来为众多的AI和5G服务供电。微软于3月推出了Azure Edge区域 - 边缘播放延迟敏感和吞吐量密集型应用程序可以接近最终用户。4他们还在2020年上半年购买了两个边缘平台提供商 - 三月肯定的网络5and Metaswitch Networks in May6— in a bid to move closer to the source of data. To do more and get closer to the gatekeeper role, hyperscalers need government licenses and approvals for last-mile connectivity, which is not their core business. One way around this is to join hands with local telcos, something many hyperscalers are now considering. In July 2020, Glenn Gore, director of solutions architecture at Amazon Web Services (AWS), told Light Reading that it aimed to be a partner to the telecommunications industry, not its replacement.7



Telcos of differing sizes and structures are pursuing different paths to reach the edge and become a gatekeeper. Smaller telcos are considering partnerships with hyperscalers as a strategy for managing costs. They argue that they don’t have the human or financial capital to compete and will do better to just hold tight to those that do. In this way, they aim to finish the race second, without completely giving up their margins. On the other side, leading telcos are strengthening their capabilities to go it alone, win the race, and make more money. Bigger telco giants are coming together in clubs such as the 5G Future Forum and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA) to explore ways they can partner and drive the 5G and edge ecosystem while defining the role hyperscalers will play in their business model. The implication here is that both telcos and hyperscalers can play a role in gatekeeping a new generation of digital applications.

The edge in focus: infra, ops, and apps

Examining the main aspects of the edge — infrastructure, operations, and applications — will shed more light on how hyperscalers and telcos can gain ground in their race.

Telcos are good at infrastructure, making this part of the race easier for them. Edge servers — supplied by either a third party or a hyperscaler — can be housed along with other site infrastructure and associated equipment, including the racks, cabinets, and power, that are needed to make the edge work. They also own the telco-grade backhaul and fiber, which is imperative if edge is to comply with stringent service-level agreements with their customers. Large tower companies — businesses that rent tower space to mobile carriers — are also active in pursuing new revenue streams on the infrastructure side.


云的应用方面不会边缘t be possible without infra and ops, but this is where the race will truly be decided. Applications are all the use cases that will work over the edge, such as our gaming example or an application for a private industrial network. The winning gatekeepers will achieve the full benefit of the ecosystem, first by monetizing the services and then by selling the data they generate to third parties, including application developers. The apps mainly come from new developers, startups, or established application development software companies. Both telcos and hyperscalers are trying to build an all-encompassing marketplace for these applications, often by conducting events, hackathons, and competitions. Savvy telcos can offer alternative applications and solutions for enterprises, and they also can leverage the native capabilities of hyperscalers, such as their AI engines or data lakes for their own edge efforts.

相反,一些大型大规模将电信公司本身视为其云/边缘业务的主要驱动力。实际上,这种策略已经在实现。亚马逊在波士顿和旧金山湾地区的Verizon数据中心都使用了AWS计算和存储服务,所有这些都位于5G网络边缘的服务接入点。这些“ AWS波长”区域意味着数据不必离开亚马逊的网络。10Amazon is using the same strategy across Europe, Japan, and South Korea, deploying edge servers in Vodafone’s (U.K. and Germany), SK Telecom’s, and KDDI’s networks.11

Along with its acquisition of Affirmed Networks and Metaswitch, Microsoft has also formed partnerships with major telcos, including AT&T, CenturyLink, and SK Telecom.12As recently as August, AWS moved into India, partnering with Indian telco conglomerate Bharti Airtel to deliver edge computing to enterprises.13Google, Facebook, and others have invested in Reliance Jio, another Indian telco, in order to reach the growing number of internet users in India. These partnerships will give the hyperscalers added reach in the Indian edge ecosystem, while the Indian telco will see more growth in its non-wireless business, including IoT and Jio’s app suite.14

A race with room for competition and collaboration

From a customer perspective, the best result in this race to the edge would be for both players to finish the race together and each take a slice of the ecosystem. Telcos and hyperscalers working in concert would spawn growth across the global digital market. Telcos should provide orchestration capabilities (their forte) while offering flexibility of choice to customers. In this paradigm, automation and network as a service will play a starring role. The hyperscalers, which have made critical inroads in enterprise data ingestion, security, business analytics, and AI, can help telcos build an ecosystem of innovative applications, all offered from the same storefront.



  1. 移动收入在2018年达到1379亿美元,占全球游戏市场的50%以上,汤姆·维曼(Tom Wijman),2018年4月30日,newzoo.com。
  2. The 5G edge computing value opportunity,2020年6月,毕马威。
  3. 海底电缆市场再次蓬勃发展,这次由大型技术资助, Thomas Seal, March 14, 2019, Bloomberg Businessweek.
  4. Microsoft与该行业合作,通过Azure Edge区解锁新的5G场景,Yousef Khalidi,2020年3月31日,Microsoft Azure。
  5. 微软宣布协议获得确认的网络,为全球5G生态系统提供新的机会, Yousef Khalidi, March 26, 2020, Microsoft.
  6. 微软宣布确定获得元开关网络,扩展方法以授权运营商并与网络设备提供商合作,以实现5G的承诺,Yousef Khalidi,2020年5月14日,微软。
  7. 亚马逊Web服务回答问题:电信公司的朋友或敌人?, Mike Dano, July 16, 2020, Light Reading.
  8. COVID-19时期的网络流量见解:6月4日更新,Craig Labovitz,2020年6月9日,诺基亚。
  9. The Mobile Economy 2020,GSMA智能。
  10. Verizon和AWS向波士顿和湾区的客户提供移动边缘计算, Matt Garman & Tami Erwin, Aug. 6, 2020, AWS.
  11. Announcing AWS Wavelength for delivering ultra-low latency applications for 5G,2019年12月3日,AWS。
  12. How Amazon, Microsoft and Google are courting — and challenging — telcos,苏Marek,美联社ril 6, 2020, Light Reading.
  13. 为什么印度成为亚马逊和微软的关键战场,Arjun Srinivas,2020年8月11日,现场薄荷。
  14. Google在谈判中投资40亿美元在Jio平台上,2020年7月15日,ET电信。
  15. Varjo chosen as Amazon Web Services partner for AWS Wavelength, Dec. 12, 2019, Auganix.