
ByJohn Gikopoulos,,,,Saibal Samaddar,,,,Nidhi Om Subhash,,,,哈里·凯尔·休斯(Harry Keir Hughes) December 2020 | POV | 16 min read |通过电子邮件发送这篇文章|Download
您的组织中的AI成熟了?您是观察者,探险家,表演者还是有远见的人?在我们对690多个组织的研究中,我们发现AI领导者可以将运营利润率提高多达3个百分点。为了实现这一价值,AI Laggards可以使用Apply AI专注于AI伦理,使员工和客户成为其业务模式的中心,并提高其员工队伍以进行更有效的AI操作。


这个值来自的确切位置在哪里?很多AI is being used to manage and automate IT infrastructure, glean new insights about customers, identify cyber threats, and even improve the hiring process. But more can be done. Leading AI organizations put the technology at the center of both their business and operating models, using it to discover, democratize and de-risk AI adoption. The hope here is that they will become both a knowledge- and data-driven organization, with agility built into their DNA so they can deliver better products, increase customer sentiment, and derive more value from their partner ecosystem. Indeed, better working capital management, superior handling of business risk, and a more lucrative supply chain are just some of the changes this sort of “live enterprise” can expect to foster. Further, by making AI a core tenet of productivity, the live enterprise can quickly sense changing business needs and evolve in response. The holy grail here is a seamless network of partners, suppliers, and customers who talk to each other in real time, intelligently, and at the speed of data.2






但是突破这个玻璃天花板值得付出努力。在我们的分析中,我们发现AI-First企业随着AI的进步而增加了3个百分点,在BFSI和消费者,零售和物流(CRL)行业中,其影响最高(图2)。对于美国的一家银行公司运营,收入为100亿美元,这意味着增加3亿美元的增加收入 - 这没什么大不了的。

AI-first enterprises increase operating margins by as much as 3 percentage points as they progress along their journey

我们的AI成熟度指数在战略方面以0-100的规模为受访者,对受访者的评分;技术;操作;和人才和组织(T&O)。Firms fell into one of four categories – “watchers”, “explorers”, “performers”, “visionaries” – depending on the respondents’ self-analysis to questions like “How many AI-related technologies has your company brought to scale in the last 12 months?” and “Do you have an enterprise-wide AI strategy in place?” Watchers were laggard AI firms that made up 18% of the data, and had an average AI maturity index of 30.13 (Figure 3), whereas leading ‘visionary’ firms (8% of the data) had an average score of 94.2. Even though scores were given based on self-analysis, some key insights emerged.

图2. AI中的领导者增加了运营利润率多达3个百分点

Leaders in AI increase operating margins by as much as 3 percentage points



Visionaries are ahead in operations, though improvement is still needed in talent and organization (T&O)


Visionaries are much more effective at operations than other firms and exactly a third more competent in this dimension than “performers” (4.8 compared with 3.6). However, even within visionary organizations, improvement is possible in the area of T&O, receiving a score of 3.91 out of 5 — a full one point less than their score for technology. Still, as we will see in further analysis, even within this area, visionaries are far ahead of laggards with respect to effective change management processes and their ability to satisfy employees.

On the technology dimension, the more advanced companies had brought more AI-related technologies to scale, including IoT and drones, whereas the rest were still stuck in PoC or pilot mode across most initiatives (Figure 4).








We also found that digital natives such as Google and Facebook outperform digital immigrants (traditional companies beginning to add digital competencies) in their AI journey, with a significantly higher AI maturity index (Figure 6).


Digital natives have a significantly higher maturity index than digital immigrants


Focusing on governance and the employee


Focussing on both the employee and the customer can increase operating margins by 2 percentage points

  1. 专注于AI伦理与更高的成熟度指数相关,而有远见的人的表现优于25%。
  2. By focusing on the employee and the customer, operating margins can be increased by 2 percentage points.
  3. 重新杀伤劳动力的能力使领导者与众不同,与小组的其余部分相比,运营利润率增加了1个百分点。

因此,人工智能转化的人方面是成功的关键属性。根据Korn Ferry的专家的说法,99%的战略取决于执行,这反过来依赖于高技能的人才生态系统。为了使客户启动自己的AI-NABEREMENT旅程(下面讨论),作为我们自己的AI成熟度评估的一部分,Korn Ferry将其专业知识向组织,人才,变更管理和组织的四个“人民战略”方面进行审核文化。(图7)

Figure 7. The Korn Ferry maturity audit looks at firms across four “people strategy” dimensions

Organizational Structure Audit 人才审核 更换管理层 文化
检查和设计组织结构,因为公司比H2M的工作流更接受M2M。在此范式中,自动化网络和算法运行核心操作。 Assessing the incumbent talent pool for skills and capabilities required within a ‘Live’ Enterprise. 评估在现有企业中重新杀伤人才的能力,重点是解决方案设计,计划和变更管理。 定义将推动增长并吸引组织各个层面的文化。



Consequently, transforming the business requires identifying potential gaps in organization structure, people and culture. This means gaining clarity on how well the organization is set up to implement its AI strategy, raising questions such as:

  • How well is the organization aligned with its strategy, especially in this new era of AI?
  • AI策略是否与组织的目的保持一致?
  • Is the right talent in place?
  • 员工了解公司的策略吗?
  • Is the strategy and culture of the firm aligned?







At Infosys, the Live Enterprise initiative is putting员工满意度在业务和经营模型的中心。使用应用的AI,自动化流程减少日常任务的分辨率时间。跨企业和更广泛的生态系统的连接数据确保所有数据都是通过自动方式进行了策划,清洁和连接的物理组合(通过知识图)。新见解是从这个连接网络中得出的,然后成为业务驱动力,以提供不断扩展的服务,以积极影响人,利润和星球的三重底线。该平台还确保通过知识共享门户将数据和分析被民主化。随着时间的流逝,该计划将在合作伙伴组织之间实施。

Figure 9. Leading firms have better change management and care more about employees

Leading firms have better change management and care more about employees




As we wrote in our report on数字雷达2020,成为探险家要比成为一家有远见的公司要容易得多。这样做的主要原因是技能不足。此分析也是如此。尽管有远见的人在T&O维度上苦苦挣扎(图1),但对于其他小组而言,缺乏人才更为明显(35%的人说,缺乏人才是一个重大挑战,而只有9%的有远见的人)。这样做的原因之一是,有远见的人已经开发了内部专业知识来提供AI技术(91%),而落后者则取决于外部支持(69%)(图10)。





Figure 11. Anywhere, anytime learning is much stronger for visionaries than for watchers



Making AI easier to use is often a better strategy in the long term as it has the knock-on effect of bringing business and IT together earlier on in the AI journey, rather than trusting a few superstar data scientists with developing capabilities. Visionaries do this very effectively, sharing data science knowledge throughout the organization 17 percentage points more rigorously than performers in our study.

是否upskilling或更容易地使用人工智能pace of change of technology means that employees will need to be given space to learn, unlearn and re-learn. Even simple and intuitive user interfaces that are powered by AI require a cohort of employees that ask the right questions at the right time. In this organizational set-up, employees across the spectrum will need to play both interlocutor and teacher, providing a space where AI-related questions are answered in confidence, and learnings up-voted at scale. To aid in this, AI training sessions should no longer act as a one-way monologue, but rather act as a platform to test new ideas and processes throughout the firm. These sessions will also be best served as an iterative and exploratory canvass for discussion, held throughout the year to act as a funnel for emerging ideas, while allowing less tech-savvy employees to upgrade their understanding. However, while anytime, anywhere learning will make these sessions more viable, the role of teacher will grow in importance; wherever possible, firms must introduce AI tutors, helping listeners interpret, question and analyze the content under discussion.


The data also shows that companies don’t do operations well enough, an area ripe for external support. And the money to be made here is vast. Organizations leading in AI operations, including greater in-house competency to scale AI technologies and the ability to work effectively across siloes, outperformed the rest by as much as 6 percentage points of the operating margin (Figure 12). To put that into a dollar figure, that’s $600 million extra cash for a $10 billion revenue company.

Figure 12. Effective AI operations can increase operating margins by up to 6 percentage points



也就是说,即使有远见的人也引用了遗产系统,一种规避风险的文化以及不足的业务/IT合作是他们在执行有效运营策略方面最大的挑战。这些问题不仅是AI问题。实际上,当我们要求我们的云专家列举建立卓越云中心的主要原因 - 以及云旅程中众多的选择和膨胀期望的压倒性解决方案时,最终的原因是渴望增加治理并通过将技术,金融和业务团队汇总在一起,降低成本。有远见的公司可以通过设置利益相关者参与的枢纽来优化其投资,这将以最佳的方式使用人才,资本支出和OPEX支出来使组织保持一致。莱加德公司还可以使用这种结构来培训员工,建立有效的变更管理,并确保该公司内部的AI辜负炒作。

Your own maturity assessment

COVID-19 has accelerated the implementation of AI initiatives, with firms doing more work in six months than they might have done in years. In this new paradigm, the employee has become the linchpin on which success will depend. Getting change management right and ensuring the workforce is engaged can massively impact the bottom line.

Before a firm can put in place an effective playbook for how to become more like a visionary organization, it is necessary to first determine the as-is state. At Infosys and Korn Ferry, we have developed a tool for firms to do just that. Using an online portal, executives will be asked a series of questions that will score their firm across our maturity indices. Along with a performance scorecard and industry benchmark, they will then be provided with a high-level roadmap with a set of prioritized capabilities to launch their应用的AIenablement journey. Further, a dollar figure will be assigned to the impact that this journey will have on their bottom line (increased revenues, cost benefits) over a defined time horizon.


Interested in taking the assessment? Emailsaibal.samaddar@infosys.com或者tristan.schulhof@infosys.com


We studied the AI journey of 690+ organizations, analyzing 200+ quantitative and qualitative metrics. Maturity indices were derived by scoring firms from 0 to 100 across the four dimensions of strategy, technology, operations, and T&O (Watchers, Explorers, Performers, Visionaries).

The respondents were C-suite executives, directors, SVPs, VPs, and AVPs.


The split of firms across sector, geography, digital tenure, and revenue bands was as follows
The split of firms across sector, geography, digital tenure, and revenue bands was as follows
  1. Implementing AI in Business – Challenges and Resolutions,,,,哈里·凯尔·休斯(Harry Keir Hughes)& Isaac Labauve, November 2019, Infosys Knowledge Institute
  2. InfosysLive Enterprise – A Continuously Evolving and Learning Organization,穆罕默德·拉菲·塔拉夫达(Mohammed Rafee Tarafdar),杰夫·卡瓦诺(Jeff Kavanaugh)和哈里·凯尔·休斯(Har亚搏电脑登录ry Keir Hughes),2019年7月,Infosys知识研究所
  3. Infosys数字雷达2020:从数字成熟到活企业,Jeff Kavanaugh&Chad Watt,2020年,Info亚搏电脑登录sys知识研究所
  4. 敏捷的数据智能:重塑业务,,,,Dr. N.R. Srinivasa Raghavan & Harry Keir Hughes, June 2020, Infosys Knowledge Institute

关于Infosys Consulting

Infosys Consulting是一家咨询公司,有所不同。作为创新和数字化转型合作伙伴,我们为亚博比分直播客户提供深厚的行业专业知识和端到端解决方案,以解决当今最紧迫的多维挑战。我们的顾问坐在行业战略和尖端技术的交汇处,将工业化解决方案大规模领导,并实施复杂的变革计划,其中人类因素成为成功的真正差异。并具有大规模执行的能力,我们将巧妙的思想转变为通过Infosys的交付能力转变为运营现实。

About Korn Ferry

Korn Ferry是一家全球组织咨询公司。我们与客户合作设计其组织结构,角色和职责。我们帮助他们雇用合适的人,并就如何奖励,发展和激励他们的员工提供建议。而且,我们帮助专业人士驾驶和促进他们的职业。亚博双赢棋牌