
经过Srinivas poosarla,ramesh n 1月2020年1月|简要|10分钟阅读|Email this article|Download
Data privacy has emerged as an important aspect of human rights. However, its fulfillment is challenged by the organizational and individual’s desires to reap the rewards of a digital marketplace. Enterprises need to be responsible with the way they obtain and use data. A strategic decision is whether they want to use privacy as a differentiator or treat it as another compliance burden.



在看似客户友好的UX后面,驾驶室聚合器的算法不知疲倦地从您的智能手机收集数据,包括其“剩余电池电量”。对于一个,Uber否认了这种票价决定,但已承认收集电池水平的信息。根据优步发言人,电池水平是“你是否将对浪涌定价敏感的最强预测因子之一”。1Even more concerning are the possibilities that exist when personal information, more than what is required, is available to service providers.

这是另外一个场景:you are browsing on your smart TV and are shown advertisements of fast-food joints — this, after you have ordered dinner from your laptop. It dawns on you that your user behavior across internet-enabled devices is being tracked. According to a complaint filed by the FTC and the Office of the New Jersey Attorney General,2Vizio智能电视的业主不知道在他们看电视时,Vizio又又在看着它们。它通过在屏幕上收集匹配电视,电影和商业内容数据库的屏幕上的选择来实现。

The company also identified viewing data from cable or broadband service providers, set-top boxes, streaming devices, DVD players and over-the-air broadcasts. In order to enable this for older models, VIZIO retrofitted the TVs by installing its tracking software remotely — all without the knowledge or consent of its customers. Our private lives within our homes are no longer private — whether we are watching TV or browsing the internet.

最后:您发现您的汽车保险费中的飙升 - 没有理由,鉴于您的意外历史。后来您发现您的保险提供商使用远程信息处理根据从速度,加速和驾驶通常的时间产生的输入产生的驾驶行为来收取保费。3All these data inputs were within legal limits and were received from various “internet of things” sensors installed in your car. Yet the sale and use of this data happen without your consent.

这些都不是假想的例子——它们是意图l-life instances of privacy infringements or risks that can and sometimes do emerge from unscrupulous use of technology. At the same time, innovative technology delivers enhanced value and immense benefits to consumers. The aspiration should be to make this a positive-sum game. Organizations that benefit from the use of personal information should deploy appropriate privacy safeguards and empower consumers with knowledge and choice on how information collected from them could be used.

The evolution of privacy

隐私是人类以来的基本特征,以来历史历史时期,从早期人类文明。在食物通过狩猎聚集的日子里,部落在一个洞穴中居住的部落的需求优先于隐私,但随着文明进入农业和农业,依赖于一个屋檐下的依赖,需要隐私的需要进化。在那些日子和大约一个世纪前的隐私的概念是一个孤独的权利,而不是侵入互相个人的物理空间 - 作为榜样。技术改变了隐私的概念,焦点从一个个人生活的“物理空间”转移到“个人”。

Over the past few decades, data privacy has emerged as an extremely important dimension of human rights. However, its fulfillment is constantly challenged by the need to embrace the rewards of digital marketplace. The digital society is omnipresent — in the organizations we work for, mobile apps we use in our day-to-day lives, e-governance public utilities we avail ourselves of as citizens and social media on which we connect — all of which are a necessity today.


Privacy and its contexts

隐私是上下文敏感的。个人每天都与家人,朋友和同事相互作用。他们期望与每个小组共享的信息仍将纳入同一组内。This reasonable expectation of privacy that exists in the physical world, that one should have (a) control of one’s information, including basic identity, and (b) control of how such information may be used by others, continues to hold even when one interacts with the internet and connected devices.

According to Professor Alan Westin4,有四个隐私州个人在不同的时间需要。







But big-data-driven technologies, along with the use of artificial intelligence, have blurred the boundaries between various social contexts in the digital world. Health monitoring apps, social media sites, job sites and dating apps access users’ digital footprints to know and often predict when one is likely to be pregnant, depressed, going through a breakup or rejecting a job offer.



Public disclosure of private facts



Often, information about an individual such as social media likes or dislikes, purchase preferences, reading habits, religious beliefs, associations, is analyzed along with other data for the purpose of profiling. The insights derived from such profiling, can be used to influence the individual’s mind with the intent of steering towards certain desirable behavior. This in turn impacts individual’s autonomy to take informed decisions, nudges them into behavioral change and creates bias at sub-conscious level. An e-commerce website suggesting books that may be of interest to an individual is a harmless and beneficial use case. However, a filter-bubble-enabled search engine that shows results driven by an algorithm prevents the individual from seeing a neutral set of results. The most infamous example may be of Cambridge Analytica5揭露了这种潜在的影响可能对个人和社会的广泛影响。法律正在出现,主要是在新生阶段来规范这一领域。



GDPR等法规7have emerged that stipulate the right for an individual not to be subject to a decision or profiling, based only on automated processing that significantly affects the person, including legally. In the United States, the Consumer Online Privacy Rights Act bill was introduced in November 20198当尚未通过,它解决了算法决策问题。它要求那些从事这种做法的人每年为准确性,公平,偏见和歧视进行影响评估。然后,他们才能促进住房,教育,就业或信贷的广告或资格确定。




Embed privacy into design while adopting innovation, to make it a positive-sum game

组织应建立治理,以确保其战略业务目标与涉及个人数据的流程的隐私目标保持一致,并管理潜在的不合规领域引起的风险。随着全球化的增加,组织从不同地理位置的数据处理数据,并受到不同隐私法规的国家的数据隐私法规。采用国际隐私标准,如ISO 27701,该组织的隐私信息管理系统(PIMS)可以模拟,这是谨慎的。制作“设计隐私”组织流程的一个组成部分最大限度地减少了与隐私原则的不合规风险。

From the beginning of the data life cycle, minimize data collection and processing regardless of whether the data is collected directly from the individual or indirectly, such as IP address. Since the technology industry benefits from more and more information due to Big Data dividends, risks can be minimized by segregating essential and optional information, for which ‘informed consent’ can be used as a lawful basis of collection for the latter category. Collecting specific data to process a service may be necessary — for instance, mobile phone numbers to provide multifactor authentication, but sharing data with third-party agents offering value-added services may not be made essential when offering a service. Individuals must be able to expose a minimal amount of personal data — for instance, the routing of calls to a cab driver through the cab aggregator’s business telephone number.




Value privacy or pay the price


  1. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-altyle/gadgets-and-tech/news/uber-knows-when-your -phon-is-about-to-run-out-of-battery-a7042416。HTML.
  2. https://metro.co.uk/2019/09/27/uber-charge-battery-lower-10778303/
  3. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2017/02/vizio-pay-22-million-ftc-state-new-jersey-settle-charges-it
  4. https://www.efma.com/article/detail/30774
  5. 艾伦·威斯汀博士的隐私和自由 -https://www7.tau.ac.il/ojs/index.php/til/article/view/1609/1711
  6. https://newrepublic.com/article/151548/ political-campaigns-big-data-manipulate-elections-weaken-democracy.
  7. https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/article29/Item-detail.cfm?item_id=612053
  8. https://eur- lex.europa.eu/Legal-Content/en/txt/?URI=COLEX%3A32016R0679.
  9. https://iapp.org/news/au-s-senators-unveil-new-federal-privacy-legislation/