
Infosys总裁Ravi Kumar S.采访了Judson Althoff,EVP,全球商业业务,Microsoft




  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    欢迎来到拉斯维加斯市开拓者的下一章。在Microsoft Inspire的旁观中,我有一个非常杰出的客人,我的一个老朋友Judson Althoff .. Judson实际上经营着Microsoft的全球商业组织。在过去的六年左右的时间里,贾德森(Judson)在微软的这一美好旅程中发挥了重要作用。在当前职位之前,他曾担任北美总裁,并且在过去几年中一直是微软转型的关键参与者之一。贾德森(Judson)感谢您抽出时间与我们交谈。很高兴有您,每次我遇到您时,我总是会受到您的大想法思维和您无情地执行的能力的启发。

  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff

    Well first of all, thanks for everything you said, all the kind words. You're right to point out that culture is sort of the cornerstone or foundation of really all of our work. I think actually one of the most important things that Satya did after becoming CEO was to reframe our culture and to speak deeply and frankly from the heart about what growth mindset means to him. Because I would sort of jokingly say to him hey listen we can't just print out the t-shirts and the coffee mugs and say, culture delivered. We actually have to live it, right, and so this ‘learn it all’ mentality is really this notion that if you take a pool of human beings and you take a group of folks who may have institutional acumen over a given topic versus those that have unlimited curiosity and a passion for really aggressive learning and an acute focus on learning that whilst day one, those that of course had the experience will likely outpace the learners, that in the fullness of time the learners will far outpace any institutional knowledge because in our industry innovation is actually what is appreciated far more than tradition and so that is sort of like the premise or the theory behind it all.

    在我们的出现方面,这些投资实际上变得越来越实用。我们已经完全改变了在微软举行会议的方式。您知道当我第一次在公司开始时,我坦率地说,过去,您知道很多遗产审查周期。我们已经将其完全倾斜。您现在知道您的名字旁边的记分卡上是否有一个绿色点,您更有可能被要求谈论它,因为我们希望那些实际上已经掌握了该技能的人并以某种方式弄清楚了如何削减 -他们的交付方面教别人。因此,有一个实用的例子。但是,这种具有增长心态的概念,再加上想要有所作为的影响声明,您知道我们确实相信我们在市场上的差异化就是成为一家伟大的授权公司。We’re not as proud of talking about our own achievements, our own technology gains or financial gains as much as we are talking about the outcomes and the impact that we have for customers and so whilst growth mindset is the overarching anchor to our culture, making a difference is the real goal and then again so sort of to guide everyone in the company and even our partner ecosystem on pillars that they could really grasp and some meaning behind this notion of having a growth mindset, we devised three pillars. One that we would always obsess over our customers. Satya would always say if you want to be cool, Microsoft is not the place for you to come and work, if you want to make other people cool and help them reach their potential, come work for us.

    The second thing is to operate as one. You know I think historically, Microsoft had almost a franchise model. Now in fact our greatest strength is actually coming together and putting forth our portfolio of intellectual property and putting that to work for our customers.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    How do you do this at scale for such a large enterprise as Microsoft, federated and in some ways, distributed across the world? And how do you make sure that every new hire who comes on board inculcates that culture?

  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff

    It's a great question and you're right to point out the importance of it all. And so for us at Microsoft the mechanisms that we choose to use, our first to sort of understand that look, cultures what people will do when unsupervised and so you have to actually almost create this human flywheel that sort of builds upon itself, rewarding people for learning activities, rewarding people for taking on tasks that are frankly more difficult...

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff

    绝对是的,从领导层面the way down to the individual contributor level. You know taking people and lifting them up for taking on a risky project, failing fast and learning faster is, it's a big part of it. But to answer your scale question, we actually have put technology to work in a way that makes sense for our culture. We have this sort of manager framework around modeling, we're leading by example, coaching and caring for our employees, and we actually used artificial intelligence to actually help in the coaching process. So in our many centers around the world, where we're both taking inbound calls for customer support as well as making outbound calls for sales, we use speech to text translation services and cognitive reasoning capability to understand the sentiment analysis of the conversations that all of our people are having with customers. And then we can actually play that back in a way that it can be used in a coaching dialogue. But the AI tech itself serves up a way in which you can look at scale conversations and say wow our customers are least comfortable dealing with us or most comfortable dealing with us in these scenarios and so let us help our people through the more challenging dialogues. Even simple things like saying the amount of time spent in a conversation listening versus talking and explaining to someone that the richness of understanding comes first from listening rather than projecting is super helpful to us. So many investments across many many different categories at Microsoft but it's a continual effort right, it can’t just be a one and done kind of thing. It has to be a part of how you run the business and how you live the business.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    So Judson, just switching gear, I wanted to talk about a very exciting topic. Very early on, Microsoft invest set out on a cloud journey for all your products and solutions, (JA: yes) invested into startups, you've invested heavily into research and development and ‘Azure’ it's actually a blockbuster offering in the market. I just love it so much. Tell us a little bit about what's in store and how has this journey evolved over the years.

  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff

    我本周在Inspire举行的这次会议上公布的一个概念之一是使数字化民主化的概念。这种民主化数字化的概念意味着,坦率地说,直到每个人都有权拥有数字体验,并且我们使每个人都可以参与数字经济。这具有深度和广度含义。You take a large Fortune 500 company and it’s easy to take on an artificial intelligence project around optimizing a business process, you know putting sensors on machinery, building out a big data lake, optimizing a process and saving money and I don't mean to trivialize it, that's great work. In fact it's very cutting edge work, but it's not done until you achieve this connectedness even with the frontline workers and the way in which they actually run the business. And so taking the time to equip people with modern skills to enrich the work that people do to connect the CEO to the front lines or the front lines to the boardroom and then to actually even from the development standpoint, because we see every company becoming a software company or a technology company and developers will change the shape of how all companies run this notion of empowering the elite devs of the world to then turn around and enable the citizen devs to sort of unlock or spark this tech intensity from within any company. Doing that at depth so that everyone within a large company benefits from the experience and then turning around and doing it breadths so that the few can empower the many, that’s really the journey that we're on here and it's why frankly the partnership that we have is so important because you know Microsoft can't do this on its own.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    Going on your point on democratization in some ways the impact is going to be in every function and the organization and decision making is very democratized. How did you make that switch to a buyer who's very different from the buyer of the past?

  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff

    这是一个很好的观点,实际上,它不是“开关”,而不是“和”。我试图指导我的人,客户不是整体,他们试图完成一件事情。有复杂的野心,有多种愿望,因此向客户卖出就像在房屋内的多个房间出售一样。您知道房屋中可能有人工智能室,房屋中的数据室或房屋中的安全室,在该房屋的上层井里有商业愿望(RK:绝对),我想优化我的供应链我想在倡导旅程的匿名之旅中与我的客户一起做得更好对于那家公司。And so if you find a way to thread a strategy across all rooms in the house and make sure that the strategy of devising actually creates the impact across every room, that's when you know you have something that’s lasting and it's connecting vision and strategy and culture to the unique potential of the company (RK: absolutely) and then investing in the technical abilities that make it come to life. That to me is the...

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    ...实际上,在这方面从未有技术在大型企业中发挥如此重要的作用。所以类比是如此恰当。因此,贾德森(Judson)您知道我想将Gear转换为一个非常不同的话题 - 您投资于Github,从某种意义上说,这是对Microsoft开放策略的反映,以某种方式拥抱开发人员社区的创新,民主化。它已经 - 有人告诉我,它拥有约250亿开发人员,8600万个存储库。微软将如何利用这一庞大的资产?

  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff

    Well I think you pegged it first Ravi, and saying that the most important thing is to serve the developer and that's our real commitment here. We’ve of course made big investments in our own existing tool sets - Visual Studio, VS code for example, has taken off tremendously, even our competitors use it in their own development environments. But GitHub to us represented the ultimate in heterogeneous developer productivity, and so investing in that community and making sure that GitHub remains pure, that GitHub remains heterogeneous if you want to use GitHub and deploy to AWS or deploy to GCP that's fine. We of course are going to do a lot to make the GitHub experience with Azure great but we're well...

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


    Judson Althoff


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    This is actually one axis of democratization.

  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff

    That's right there's a huge skills deficit in the world absolutely, you know better than most (RK: Absolutely absolutely) that this idea that we just go higher, more elite devs. Whoa, newsflash: there aren’t any more you know. And so you have to give academic (RK: You have to create them) yes, you have to enable them to empower others through great scale and so we will be working very very diligently to connect GitHub to our own citizen developer capabilities in our power platform and other low code no code you know the (RK: GitHub ecosystem is gonna benefit significantly as well, Microsoft ecosystem) we're really happy about it and we think the GitHub folks are doing great work.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff

    我很高兴你问。你知道商业运行l business, people have come out to me and say we don't get the gaming thing, why are you so invested in gaming? But gaming is strategic to Microsoft for a number of different reasons. One because it actually does ring true to our mission of empowering every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more because it does it enriches people's lives. And in fact if you think about it gaming is most likely the first time as a human that you were ever exposed to technology, you know as a child (RK: Yeah, even as a one-year-old) that’s right that’s right. And so making that experience more ubiquitous you know some of the things that we have done with Xbox Live and the ability to engage more and more people on the planet in enriching gaming scenarios, having that even feed in an educational experience with Minecraft so that students really enjoy and are inspired by the work that they do and they actually don't even think that it’s schoolwork per se. It just seems fun to them, it teaches us even about our own cloud platform so we made an announcement earlier this year on xCloud.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    And do you want to use gamification for new technologies as well?

  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    Awesome I just want to squeeze in one last question for you. With the advent of AI, automation and machine learning algorithms underneath continued enterprise software, hyper productivity is the next big thing for large enterprises. But most CXOs don't know how to get about it. Tell us one or two things which you believe they should know which are very important to create an embrace on this new age machine learning AI tools.

  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff

    It's great, it’s great. I think the most important thing to remember is that it's about people and technology. So many of the artificial intelligence pursuits that I see are sort of this maniacal pursuit of optimization and efficiency gains and it leaves people behind in the richness of the work that they do as an opportunity for fueling growth. Let me give you an example. If you take you know one of our more complicated offerings in Azure, our Azure machine learning offering has the ability to reason over tremendous amount of data and create all of these optimized processes. Where we’ve really seen it come to life is if you embed the outcomes in it, into Teams, into our collaborative environment, such that people on the front lines that have never had any access to technology are suddenly getting exposed to the optimizations that are being proposed by the machine learning model, and the humans teach the model, the model teaches the humans, the business itself learns in real-time through the people that are actually achieving the business outcomes itself. The opportunity there to me is the massive unlock that often gets overlooked and that's why I would just counsel, always remember that it's about people and technology.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    In fact, you know, you are bang on, so spot on in many ways amplifying technology to people and the virtue of applying these technologies is a much bigger thing than the technology itself. That's right and the people aspect is the most important one, reskilling people to the new jobs of the future is probably what the future is going to look like for large enterprises. thank you so much Judson for your conversation, always a pleasure to talk to you, thank you.

  • Judson Althoff
    Judson Althoff
