
Ravi Kumar S, Infosys总裁,Erik Brynjolfsson,斯坦福数字经济实验室主任




  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    你好,每个人,我的名字是Infosys总裁Ravi Kumar。欢迎来到这个下一个版本的DrainBlazers。如您所知,Trailblazers是一系列谈话系列,具有来自学术界,公共政策制定者,大型企业的尊贵者,他们对我们所有人的社会和社区产生重大影响。今天是拓盘的特殊版本,我有一个非常尊贵的客人,我的最爱之一,斯坦福大学教授Erik Brynjolfsson。他是数字经济实验室的董事,是AI和生产力专家,以及几本书的畅销作者。最近的两个,第二台机器时代和对机器的比赛,是我最爱的。我喜欢他对生产力悖论的工作,人类的生产力,信息和数字经济的经济学。

    过去,他是麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)的教授,也是麻省理工学院数字经济计划(MIT Initiative of Digital Economy)的主任。埃里克,非常感谢你参加我们今天的谈话。这对我们来说是一个特殊的时刻,因为我们推出了印孚瑟斯应用人工智能联合产品。这是对大型企业的综合报价。

  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    谢谢,Erik。所以,我对你的第一个问题是,在这个产品时,我称之为Infosy应用AI,世界处于拐点,我称之为第二个拐点。第一个与消费者AI有关。[是]第二个是现在,企业正在拥抱AI。并且有一个推拉和拉动。推送主要是AI的成熟度,有更多的数据可用。有关如何使其更负责任,监管框架,周围的道德规范。讽刺地,讽刺地,讽刺地,讽刺意味的是,卫生危机加速了数字化转型[右],需要无用的经济,需要更高的成本势在必行和各种各样的东西,以及数字技术的交汇处和数字技术的亚博比分直播汇合出色地。你知道,我的观点是,在技术方面有这种拐点,你在人均GDP上有一个指数曲线,如果这是价值的代理。 Do you see that as a big inflection point now as enterprises start to embrace AI? And I love what you said in one of your papers, which is that AI is a GPT. I call it the network effect, as it has a pervasive nature. It spawns more innovation and it improves over time. Tell us a little bit about your views on this specific topic.

  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson

    好吧,这完全正确。AI是一个GPT,这是经济学家称之为通用技术;如蒸汽发动机或电力不仅具有强大的和本体,而且它们催化了整个经济内的互补变化,每个组织内部的数千美元或数百万个互补变化。我们仍然处于驾驶的转型的早期阶段。我认为它可能比早期的更大。我的意思是,在某些方面,比情报更重要的是什么?我们刚开始拥有机器智能。正如您所指出的那样,它从影响消费者转变企业时。所以我们看到职业改变,我们看到整套公司改变,我们看到整个价值链改变。经理需要大量的创新,以使这些互补变化,因为只需在现有的业务流程上拍打AI“,因为你没有得到了很多价值,就像他们试过的时候一样 put electricity in the old way of organizing factories. And that's a process that can take years or even decades to fully play out. But I'm very optimistic about the ultimate effects on productivity, living standards and growth if we make those kinds of changes.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson

    好吧,没有疑问。我的意思是,几周几乎不,我没有阅读一些关于机器学习模型的纸张,优于人类放射科医师或皮肤科医生来看着医学图像或机器。我们都有经验与他们听着,让他们了解我们的演讲。它远非完美,但我们在这个有趣的10年期间,你从机器上看,而不是理解我们对自然语言常规进行简单的谈话。并且有许多其他类型的问题解决了机器开始匹配或超过人类能力的地方。但要了解的重要措施是,我们远远远非具有人为普遍的人类能力广度的智慧。相反,有许多狭窄的特定问题解决类别,机器非常强大。我们在美国经济中观察了950个职业,每个人都有大约20到30个独特的任务,因此这是超过18,000多个独特的任务。我们发现的是没有单一的工作,机器学习刚刚跑了桌子,并尽一切努力做了人类正在做的事情。但在几乎每项工作中,机器学习都能够做一些任务。 Let me give you one very concrete example. A lot of people talk about radiologists being replaced by machine learning, the medical imaging that I was just referring to. And it's certainly true. The machines can do and recognize medical images quite well now and do diagnosis. But when you look at what a radiologist actually does, there are 27 distinct tasks, according to our analysis that a radiologist does, for instance, coordinating care with other physicians or counselling patients and explaining the plan to them. These are things that you wouldn't want a machine to be doing. You still want to have the human in the loop on those parts, and that's the way it was with most occupations. So what's the takeaway? The takeaway is that machine learning can and will and should affect these occupations, but it's not a simple substitution or automation – take out the human and put in a robot, put in a machine. Instead it's a rethinking of how we do those jobs. Parts of them will be increasingly done by machines augmenting what humans can do. Other parts continue to be done by humans, but in new ways. That takes a lot of creativity. But if it's done right, there's a huge potential for business value and for making consumers and society better off.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson

    好吧,我们仍然需要重新reskill。有时我认为AI应该代表增强智慧,而不是人工智能,肯定没有与人类自动化。有一些任务,机器正在做得更好,他们将取代人类。但是,如果你看看技术的受影响工资,历史上,自动化或替代是六种不同力量中的一个。在许多情况下,他们补充了人类并使人类更有价值,因此驱动工资。他们可以影响需求,他们可以影响收入,它们可以影响供应,最根本的影响,他们可以导致重新设计和重新设计或重新设计任务。所有这些都可以对工资产生非常多样化的影响。如果你看看技术的广泛技术,那么工资已经上涨了。我的意思是我们的祖先200年前赢得了大多数人今天获得的一小部分。这是这是好消息。 But there's no economic law that says that everyone is automatically going to get higher wages. It's possible for the benefits to be concentrated to a small group. And one of the things I think we need to do as a society is think about how can we reskill people so that they can benefit broadly from these technologies, and in companies, how can you get your workforce to benefit broadly from these technologies? And that starts with understanding the full, different set of ways that machines augment and affect wages.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson

    嗯,你所做的最后一评论完全是点。它并不自动,我们有工资大致而且实际上,在美国和其他发达国家,我们看着经合组织国家,其中21个,在其中22个中,我们看到了生产力的分歧,而它继续增长,工资没有跟上。这反映了这样一个事实,即在许多情况下,技术正在取代低工资工作者,导致这些类别的剩余劳动力和中位数收入人口的工资。它不一定;相同的技术也可用于创造共同的繁荣。正如我所说,这就是前200年的方式。但它将取决于我们的选择。我坦率地令人失望的是,这项技术没有创造更多的生产力提升,并且没有导致更多的工资。我很乐观,在未来10年里,你知道,有两个原因。一个是我们称之为Productive'J'曲线的现象,这与这些技术非常常见。 Initially, you see a downward hit on productivity and wages. And then later, it takes off in kind of like a ‘J’, shape. The reason for the initial downward part is it takes a lot of effort to redesign, reengineer companies, you need to reskill workers. And all of that effort, in a way, creates intangible assets, but it doesn't create direct output that consumers can benefit from. And so during that initial period, there's kind of a turn, and seems like things aren't really improving, then later, when you harvest those intangible assets, then you can have the take-off, and the company's profits, the company's revenues, and the consumer value, all start going up. I think we're still in the early part in most companies. But as they go through that transformation, we'll be hitting stride and having the increase. And the more companies like yours, frankly, and many others work to facilitate that transformation, the faster that's going to happen. And when I talk to CEOs around the world, I think they're very conscious of this, and they're compressing that cycle. So we get to the value creation part a lot faster than we did, say, with electricity or the steam engine.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson

    是的。好吧,你知道,它变化。而只是为了给你一些乐观情绪,我的意思是,我们也看过其他行业,例如,我们看了看机器翻译,eBay实施了一台新机器翻译系统。在那里,它发生得很厉害,这实际上是在你开始看到大笔收入增加之前的几周内,收入增加了12%,并从更好的机器翻译系统增加了交易。所以有一些类型,有些地方,他们比较少见,我们只是一种插头,而且相对有转变。更常见的情况是您需要重新思考您的业务流程和您的价值链。正如我所说,这可能需要数年才能真正做到或至少几个月。大多数应用程序都处于第二类。而且,你知道,我们开始在一些不同的地方看到它。这个很难(硬。 You know what, I've been doing some work with some of the medical areas and your doctors tend to resist it, hospitals tend to resist it. Even when there are demonstrable benefits, people feel uncomfortable doing big changes in the way they meet with patients or the way that they diagnose things, but it'll come, it'll come over time.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson

    你知道,我提到过人工智能正在影响整个组织,我们关注的是一些业务流程的改变。但是,坦率地说,我们对隐私、道德、偏见以及整个社会方面的看法也发生了改变,你知道,这些都需要重新设计。大多数国家都在重新考虑一些隐私法,你知道,欧洲,美国,中国,印度,都采取了不同的方法。我认为现在一个被低估的重大变革是对消费者隐私的关注。但展望未来,我认为员工隐私可能是一个更大的问题,因为你监控工作场所,以大幅提高生产率,但它也可能是侵入性的。这里有一些变化。在偏见方面,我认为这是一个,你知道,很多人没有考虑那么多,你知道,5年或10年前,但现在它是前沿和中心。我真的认为我还没有参加过一个没有提到这个话题的会议。我一点也不惊讶我们的谈话中出现了这个问题。机器可以放大现有的偏见,它们可以使刻板印象永存。 Of course, machine learning, most of the systems, they're based on existing data. So, if your existing hiring process or parole process or a loan approval process is based on biased data, the machine learning system is going to amplify and perpetuate that. There is the potential for reducing the bias tremendously. And I'm optimistic that ultimately the machine systems will be less biased than we humans are in making these decisions. And it'll be a fairer system. But it won't happen automatically, it's something we're going to have to be very conscious of. And we also have to be realistic, you know, there's some mathematical proofs that, sadly, it's impossible to eliminate all bias. If you have some type one error, or let's call them some false positives, and some false negatives, you know, in different sample groups, no system can equate the levels of false positives or false negatives across all the different groups, it just mathematically can't be done. And that means you're always going to have some level of disparity. What the machine learning systems will do, is force you to be explicit about what your values are, what kinds of trade-offs you want to make. And it's a hard question, we have to confront these facts that we're going to have to make some choices about how we want to minimize bias, what we want to focus on first. I think it's a healthy conversation. It's one that needs to be made more and more, and any responsible CEO, or ML expert, or anybody working in an organization needs to consider not just the performance of the systems, but also how it's affecting different groups.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson

    这是正确的。我的意思是,有些系统在哪里有一些人们正在努力的不同事情。现有系统的困难之一是它们往往需要非常非常大的数据集。数千或数百万的照片示例。当然,人类做得更好。你知道,如果你向三岁的孩子展示大象的照片,你知道,他们可以与一个例子识别未来的大象。或者他们甚至可以在某些情况下做我们所谓的零射击学习,或者少于一个射击学习,你可以向他们展示一个神话般的生物,描述一个神话般的生物,他们可以认出它。目前的机器离那么远。但是有一些令人兴奋的研究工作可以从更少的例子中学到更少的例子,我会说仍然相对较前沿。对于大多数公司来说,使用非常大的数据集的监督学习系统是更可靠的工业强度系统。 But over time, I think we can have systems that require much smaller data sets. And that will, as you say, not only make them more efficient, but also potentially reduce bias.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Erik Brynjolfsson
    Erik Brynjolfsson


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.
