
Ravi Kumar S.,Infosys主席,采访Ellis Rubinstein,纽约科学院首席执行官Ellis Rubinstein




  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    大家好!我的名字是Infosys的总裁Ravi Kumar。欢迎来到下一章开拓者。我今天有一个非常杰出的客人。纽约科学院首席执行官Ellis Rubinstein。谢谢,埃利斯加入我们。这是我在2020年的第一章中的一章之一。我对你的背景感到非常兴奋 - 从科学新闻开始,运行一些非常重要的期刊,然后在纽约科学院17年。你做了什么变革的工作!并将年轻人和茎带来,当我称之为时,福音兵茎干,把它们放在一起。我对你的第一个问题是,纽约科学院是一个200年的机构。 So, you get this impression when you say Academy of Science is a 200-year-old institution that it’s a very traditional organization. But, contrary to that, it’s a very contemporary organization - changing with the times and transforming itself with the times. Tell us a little bit about the culture and the history of the New York Academy of Sciences.

  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.

    我很高兴 - 但是让我只是说这一直很棒,对年轻人,女孩和天赋的孩子和茎一直非常合作。所以,和你在一起是令人愉快的。

    真正使学院与众不同的是它的创始人。事实上,203年前,就在我的右边,也许你们的观众几乎可以想象,在四个街区之外的市政厅公园,迈克·布隆伯格曾经在那里。现在我们有了白思豪。当时纽约有第一所医学院,大约有五六个医生想要为那些相信科学和工程未来的人创建一个俱乐部。而他们不喜欢的,也就是让它与众不同的是,他们认为费城和波士顿有一些类似的组织太刻板太精英化了。他们希望它对任何人开放,包括商人,包括年轻人。因此,从一开始,该学院就成为了世界上唯一的非荣誉学院。大多数情况下,你必须是名人,然后你才会当选。因此,太多的学院就像老年人的俱乐部。但是,从一开始,我们就有欧洲人,有商人,杰弗逊总统,门罗总统,所以我们学院的奇怪之处在于,因为这个原因,我们学院的学生非常多样化。 So, we have 20,000 members in a hundred countries. And we’re the only academy that has thousands of young members. We have almost 10,000 graduate students, post-docs and gifted high school student members. But we also have industry members, which isn’t that typical of the Academy. We have businessmen that are interested in the future of science. And you might say, “Whoa! You’re not elitist!”, but then we’re very proud of the fact that we have 36 Nobel Prize winners on our Presidents’ Council and one of every six Nobelists ever, was a member of the Academy. And we have Darwin, Pasteur and Lord Kelvin and James Joule, Bell and Edison, all imaginable great people have been members. So, that is sort of what makes us…and what we like to think of is the world’s smartest network.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.

    好吧,我希望我可以说这是200年。你知道,多年来,像这么多的组织一样,在组织中没有女性,直到那1870年,我们甚至有任何女性成员。这是世界的方式,不幸的是。我不认为人们专注于多样性和需求......当然不是在19世纪,最近在20世纪。我为此感到骄傲的是,对于48或50年来,学院涉及纽约的学校制度,当然是在地球上有最多样化的文化之一。因此,我们曾经有一个科学博览会每年有一千个孩子。如果你去那里,你会看到最多样化的孩子群体想象力。但是这个问题和我们改变的问题是这是一个很棒的,让你感到愉快的事件。但是,当你看着它时,你发现它听到它听起来很棒,而且每个学校都有55所学校以及每个背景的所有这些不同的孩子,你都会发现有200所从未那里的学校。孩子们在没有科学教学的社区。 That the kids were endangered after school and so on. And here we were doing something for one weekend a year for just the elite kids in the end, even though they looked diverse. So, that’s where we changed and that’s why we’re proud to work with you. And, it was Infosys that was the very first founding supporter of this. Because what they said was…and it was Kris Gopalakrishnan …

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.

    当然。绝对地!ellis,你知道......只是碰到它。茎教育的多样性仍然是一个问题。延伸到社会的服务不足的部分仍然是一个问题。事实上,我仍然认为茎教育和就业之间需要一座桥梁。我相信哪些公司像我们或公司一样的公司,我们必须建立那座桥梁,以便你在与词干相关的工作中落地这些人,这在我看来仍然受到尊严。那么,你认为我们需要做些什么来解决这个问题?与词干相关的工作中的妇女百分比仍然是少数。和计算机科学的接触仍然是一个问题。 In fact, the Infosys Foundation works on K-12 schools and education…computer science education there. What do you think are those one or two things organizations need to do to bridge this gap or the divide if I may add?

  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.


    Ravi Kumar S.这是这个全球词干联盟是关于什么的吗?

    Ellis Rubinstein.这就是全球词干联盟的全部内容。

    Ravi Kumar S.告诉我们一些关于它的信息。

  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.


    Ravi Kumar S.他们从联盟中获得导师?

    Ellis Rubinstein.他们提出解决方案后得到导师。这就是很棒的。公司提出了挑战,就像我提到的那样。

    Ravi Kumar S.你一起巩固所有这些挑战吗?

    Ellis Rubinstein.确切地!然后孩子们提出了一个解决方案。然后其他孩子说我想加入你。所以,田纳西州的一个孩子试图......

    Ravi Kumar S.而这些是加入虚拟团体......

    Ellis Rubinstein.他们都是虚拟的。

    Ravi Kumar S.惊人!

    Ellis Rubinstein.他们都是100%的在线。他们可以在晚上做这件事。

    Ravi Kumar S.这是国家?

    Ellis Rubinstein.确切地。和工程师......来自学术界和工业的专业工程师和科学家是他们的导师。

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


    Ellis Rubinstein.是的。我们有...

    Ravi Kumar S.这是一个志愿网络或......?

  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.

    所有志愿者。他们喜欢它。我的意思是,我最喜欢的故事到......你的权利,是高盛。高盛决定通过让他们成为我们的女孩的导师来尊重最高位的妇女。他们去了高盛。现在,顺便说一下,发言多样性,以及你对妇女的问题,六十百百吉进入初级学院,是世界上最好的,是女孩,这很有意思。它给你希望基本上我们改变了这种情况。所以,拉维,这就是为什么我们真的相信你的实际技能原则。但是,我们想向消费者指导技能,因为我认为它更便宜,并且是使用例如人工智能的机会来分析技能是否充分完成。然后,您可以使用证书等实际证明。 New jobs, right?

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


    Ellis Rubinstein.百。

    Ravi Kumar S.几百个国家!哇!

    Ellis Rubinstein.这是世界各地的。百国。

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.

    是的。和支持它们等公司的公司。所以,我们筹集资金,我们赞助他们,他们来,他们互相见面。这是最动人的唯一......当我看到年轻人相遇时,我得到了寒意,因为他们只在网上遇到了彼此。然后,当然,他们还在纽约或访问公司和物品中与诺贝尔奖获奖者混在一起。所以,这对他们来说是一个很棒的体验。我们现在有一定的国家开始加入我们,就像瑞典一样,作为一个国家加入了美国,沃尔沃,阿斯塔伦卡,Clas Ohlson,Chalmers大学。和大慈善瓦伦贝格家族。我希望能够模仿许多国家的模型。在墨西哥,印度和中国等。 But, we have many Indian kids by the way. After the U.S., it’s the second most successful cadre of kids coming in.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.

    所以,还有另一个过剩,你几乎想象了这种情况发生了如何发生这种情况。我们将初级学院概念带到一个下一级。所以,想象一下,让你说秘书长 - 联合国的副秘书长,你担心我们如何完成目标4 - 这是所有人的教育。目标5,这是性别股权。到2030年的机制将为每个人带来教育。所以,如果你看着他的代理商,古代古德雷斯机构,秘书长,你知道那些最初的机构都在思考,我们将生产50名新教师...... 5000万名新教师。因为我们必须达到7.5亿孩子,这些孩子不在良好的学校或没有学校。

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.

    恰恰。所以,事实上,你提出了一个好点。这2.5亿无需访问。有500万,但他们是可怕的教师和可怕的学校。And then they don’t even talk about the 750. I’m…maybe it’s 500 or 800 million young people who are in good schools and not getting the skills of the future that the companies like Infosys, IBM, J&J and so on need. So, how are we going to do this? Are we really going to produce 50 million new teachers? And if we did by 2030, would they be better at skilling than the ones that we have now? So, thinking about this puzzle, we were approached by the Deputy Secretary-General, a wonderful woman named Amina Mohammed. And she said… your idea of a social network with direct to consumer approaches to mentor these kids in order to empower them to do more exciting things, why couldn’t that be taken to scale? Couldn’t we get a big gigantic Public-Private partnership and a collective action initiative that would take it to scale because it would be cheaper, it would be more efficient and if you used Artificial Intelligence, be very smart about this, she said you could analyze in real-time whether it’s working or not. This is what we’ve ended up doing. We made an alliance we’re very proud of with UNICEF and the head of UNICEF, Henrietta Fore, also with The World Bank, and we’re very excited about many companies that see this as an opportunity, not only to do CSR but maybe they’ll actually make money in the long term. In a way of…in effect doing what you are talking about, Ravi, which is skilling people directly for the jobs that they need for the future. And when the jobs change, to reskill them.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


    Ellis Rubinstein.恰恰。

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.



  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.

    是的,所以我们的希望是,就是走上如下方向 - 我们有...我们正在努力创造大约五个概念验证项目和各种各样的场地。So, we’re planning to start something in South Africa, Rwanda, Uganda, Nigeria, India and the U.S. in particular, in 2020. What we want to do is we want to create many Public-Private partnerships in each case to prove the case of how it would be done. And we have many-many companies wanting to do in-kind work there. Our hope, then, is to learn in the first year how to improve it and scale it. Once it begins to be shown whether it’s working in some countries, it can be taken on in others. And our real hope is that by 20…three, maybe four years, by 2024-25 that industry itself, different parts of industry will discover that there’s a role that they can play and make money on it. And it won’t anymore be an NGO type of UN concept. It will just explode on its own. It’ll be a new way of people being educated for the jobs of the future. And as you know, most industry people say seventy percent of jobs in the future, we’re not skilling people for. And the teachers don’t know. By the way, that skilling platform that we were imagining building, it’s the growth of the junior academy one, that could be also done for the teachers themselves. So that in effect teachers will learn how to do better skilling directly and apply it from…

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • Ellis Rubinstein.
    Ellis Rubinstein.

    好吧,我会说这是认识到我们的学院可以成为一个年轻的学院。因为,在第一年之内,我们有一千名研究生,DOD后会员。然后我们以这种方式保持成长。And we’re very proud of the fact, I haven’t mentioned to you, Ravi, but you’re aware of it, that we have a wonderful philanthropist Len Blavatnik, who’s funded what’s in effect the Nobel prize for young scientists and engineers - 42 or under. These are the future change makers and, in the U.S., UK and Israel right now we’re identifying the most change agent scientists and engineers you could imagine and we want to take that globally too. So, if I was proud of one thing it’s the idea that our academy uniquely can be a platform for the future leaders to come together, to collaborate, to learn how to change the world and to me this is only possible with the partnerships that are with companies like yours.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


    Ellis Rubinstein.我的荣幸。非常感谢你。

    Ravi Kumar S.再见。