
印孚瑟斯总裁Ravi Kumar S采访安永全球董事长兼首席执行官Carmine Di Sibio




  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.



  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


    去年8月,在商业圆桌会议(Business Roundtable)上,近180位ceo公开放弃了股东至上的原则。他们报名参加了。事实上,您也是商业圆桌会议的一员,支持这样一种观点,即企业对更广泛的涉众(人、社区和客户)负有责任。米尔顿•弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)在50年前写道,企业的社会责任是实现股东价值最大化。有些人说它经不起时间的考验,有些人则持相反的观点,认为股东至上不是零和游戏,为客户、社区和员工服务最好的公司往往也为股东服务得很好。你属于争论的哪一方?你对此有什么看法?

  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio

    拉维,谢谢你的问题,很明显我不赞同米尔顿·弗里德曼的观点。但是,我稍微回顾一下美国的企业历史看看50年代和60年代的企业和80年代和90年代的企业。如果你仔细想想,在五六十年代,美国的企业都在蓬勃发展。战后发生了很多事情。那么,该怎么办呢?那里有很多制造业。因此,他们创造了大量的就业机会。他们也创造了财富,但他们也创造了社区。美国的很多城市都是围绕着碰巧在那里或迁移到那里的特定公司建立起来的。这些公司非常携手合作——今天我们称之为公私伙伴关系——它们与地方政府或州政府携手合作,为社会做越来越多的事情。 And so, in the 50s and 60s, that's what was going on. And maybe even into the 70s. I think the 80s and 90s changed things. And I think the market became very different, because of efficiency, corporate raiders, and different market participants that kind of forced corporations into being something different, into being something more around shareholder value period, cutting costs. If you go back in history, a lot of famous CEOs during that time made a name for themselves. In terms of Chainsaw Al and all these people cutting costs. And I think that has come to roost. That is not sustainable. And that really has culminated in last August when I think companies, corporates in America and around the world said enough is enough, we have to do more otherwise we're not going to be in existence. And that really spearheaded the Business Roundtable to gather itself around the question of what is a corporation. You know, a corporation is an entity that needs to fulfill all its stakeholder needs, not just its shareholders’, but also the needs of its clients, people and society. And as you said, over a 180 CEOs signed this declaration about a year and a half ago now. And they're living up to it in different ways. A lot of what we've been doing at EY is around that as well. We've been talking a lot around long-term value and making sure that we at EY are looking at ourselves from a long-term perspective, but we're also advising our clients to look at themselves from a long-term perspective.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio

    我认为它已经开始发生,而且一些公司比其他公司在一起。所以,你知道,一些商业领导人圆桌会议,我会看到它发生了。它正在发生,ravi,有很多不同的原因。我们将在一秒钟内到达大流行,但如果你想到员工,你知道,在这个世界上今天,如果你没有最好的人才 - 你知道这个在Infosys - 如果你没有最好的人才,你不会在一天结束时获胜。员工要求他们公司的许多不同的东西。因此,您必须满足您的员工。你必须让你的工作地点一个他们想要的地方。你必须让它在你的工作地点上有上升的流动性,你必须使它成为一个环境,这是一个他们想要进入的文化。所以,员工们有越来越多的话,因为这是一个比以往任何时候都需要那么多的才华。 And then you get into clients. I mean, clients are a big factor here. And there are customers. You and I are in a similar business. And you know, we always say clients are important. And I always tell our leaders you might have an internal role, like you and I do, but it's important that we're out there with clients. That's what pays the bills. We have to understand our clients and our customers and then the third area is society, and that's where today it's very different than 5, 10 years ago, because capitalism has been brought out on the table and it is being asked if capitalism is the better way to go. And the only way it's going to be the better way to go is if everyone does better because of capitalism. And there's no doubt over the last 5 to 10 years that there's been a divide and some people have done much better and others have not come along at the same rate. And that's something that we're all trying to deal with in terms of helping society overall.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio

    有一个原因是为什么低码是建立应用程序的新方法以及为什么它在2020年的动荡年度后变得如此流行,当企业学会了能够适应改变的重要性。低码为您提供两个简单的事物,它们都是根据低码是工作流的事实。第一个是低码快速 - 它很快绘制工作流程图并更改它,并且该速度允许您使用您的应用程序更快地播放到您的应用程序。您可以使用低电平代码执行的第二件事您可以将所有资源汇集在一起​​。你有不同的工人和不同类型的资产。现在的工人不仅仅是人了,现在你有AI,你得到了RPA,你可以把所有人带到你的流程图中,就像拖放一样简单。然后,无论在企业中都存在,您还可以像数据一样带入您的流程图。外部系统 - 我们很容易。FlowChart范例使其易于拖放新的连接,新数据源,新工作人员类型和低代码,最终成为企业的统一和潜在资产的实际器。那些是你今天从低码中获得的两个主要事情。

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio


  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio

    拉维,我们两年前就开始了筑堤工程。它真的是着眼于长期。我们把公司聚在一起,一起讨论如何真正提出建议,如何真正推动长期价值。作为其中的一部分,我们开发了一些指标,希望公司能够真正披露这些指标。好消息是,有30家跨国公司,我们发布了一份报告,有资产经理,资产所有者和公司。每个人都认为这些长期的价值指标非常重要。作为项目的一部分,我们深入研究了人力资本指标。这份报告大概是一年前发布的。好的方面是,这非常符合BRT的说法和BRT的做法。于是,快速公交系统提出了公司的定义。 But to me, what's even more exciting is that then beyond that, we've been part of a real effort that's been going on at the International Business Council, which is part of the World Economic Forum. The International Business Council is run by Brian Moynihan, the CEO of Bank of America. And it has over 120 of the largest companies in the world as members. And Brian Moynihan, combined with Klaus Schwab, the leader of the World Economic Forum, pulled together their teams, as well as all of the Big Four. So not just EY, but KPMG, DT and PwC, to work together on a project to create metrics that all the IBC members would rally around, and disclose in terms of, you know, their efforts towards these metrics. And so, this has been over a year-long project that we've been working on with the other big four. So, our teams came up with 21 metrics. The metrics are divided into four categories - people, planet, prosperity, and governance. Actually, each one of the big four took a category. They were socialized, they were developed and now we put out a report about a month ago on what these metrics are. And we've been talking to all our clients out there, all the companies, trying to make sure that we have support in getting these companies to use these metrics. And the plan is that by January, at the next World Economic Forum, there will be a similar signing as the BRT that a certain amount of the IBC members will commit to disclosing these 21 metrics in those categories that I mentioned. And so, this will be a start to getting all companies to disclose metrics in those four different areas that really fit right into long term value and what long term value is.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio

    我同意你100%的意见。我们正在做很多工作,特别是在美国在不同的城市中,我们和其他公司与当地大学,社区学院结合起来,创建人们可以专门技术的课程,然后我们将雇用他们。我们也在做什么,Ravi是,你知道,随着时间的推移,发生了什么,这在所有客户中都是真实的,所有这些工作都在那里,工作的规范是overuitied与工作所需的方式。所以,你知道,这几天你需要博士做一个简单的工作。所以,我们都回来了。大多数公司都在这样做。我们正在寻找要求,以确保要求要求的工作。我认为这也有助于帮助。技能发展,特别是技术,是未来。我认为这将是一个可以帮助“有些东西”的东西不仅仅是别的东西。 And I also think it's time that the educational system in the United States is looked at hard, because, you know, paying $75,000 a year for a four year degree – and look I'm a big proponent of the school I went to – but that's something that's going to be looked at very carefully, because unless you see real value in that, that's not going to exist going forward. And I think more in terms of developing skills, skills that are needed in particular, obviously, in technology, that's the way going forward. And it's going to be a really good way to bring the divide closer together and to help everyone out there.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio

    不,我同意。我想这也会发生的,拉维。你知道,就像我听一些人说的,这场危机让我们看到了未来。我认为这是正确的。所以,我认为你所说的有很多积极的方面,比如人们可以在任何地方工作,让更多的农村社区找到工作,他们可以在家工作。所以,我同意所有这些。但我不同意的是,你知道,我们今天的工作方式,它只是在继续。人是社会性动物。我觉得人们会想要在一起的。我认为办公环境会继续存在下去,但它们也会改变。 There'll be more convening space, and so forth, which a lot of offices are already moving to that. We had 15 to 20% of our people working from home, on any given day, before the pandemic, is that going to be 30 or 40%, on any given day going forward? Maybe. But it's not going to be 90, you know, it's not going to be 90. Right now, where we are, there's actually much more of a burning need for people to get together. People are suffering from mental health issues. CEOs are worried about their culture, cultures going away. We were able to last this way for 5 or 6 months, mostly on the capital that was built prior to the pandemic. As we come up to now what will be a year, that's going to be a big impact on many companies. And so, I do think there'll be a balance to your point, you might see a little bit of a reaction to everyone trying to get back at one time, and you're going to see travel, actually leisure travel, at some point. But after you get through all that, I would agree there will be a way to do this that will make sense.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio

    我不同意Ray Dalio的观点,我认为美国梦确实存在。我认为这需要很多的努力,也许还需要一些运气。正如你可能读到的,我是美国的移民。我三岁的时候和家人来到这里。我从意大利来到这里,我出生在意大利南部的一个小镇。我是在公立学校学会说英语的。我有一个哥哥,他和我很像,只是比我小。他来这里的时候只有六个月大。我的父母都是蓝领。我妈妈最终没有工作。 But she was a seamstress. And my dad was a construction person. And basically, the one thing though, that they encouraged, Ravi, is education. And I think that's the trick here. And that's the American Dream. I think if people are focused on education, and today that might be skills as we were talking about, I think that it's still the best place in the world to get ahead. And I was fortunate enough to have my parents really focus us on education. And when I say focus, I mean, if you've got a 90, that was not good enough, you needed to get a 98. And that's the way my brother and I grew up and were fortunate enough to go to good schools and get good jobs, and so forth. I still think a lot of that's alive in the U.S. today. But the parents have to be focused on education, and getting their kids educated. I think if that's the case, the American Dream is still alive, and kicking.

  • Ravi Kumar S.
    Ravi Kumar S.


  • 胭脂Di Sibio
    胭脂Di Sibio


    Ravi Kumar S.谢谢你,胭脂。谢谢你的精彩对话。