在业务中实施AI - 挑战和决议

经过Harry Keir Hughes,Isaac LaBauve November 2019 | POV | 13 min read |通过电子邮件发送这篇文章|下载
Large enterprises need to implement AI solutions quickly and efficiently, but many don’t have the right people, process and technology. Firms can accelerate progress to AI maturity through use of a robust workbench, an operating model built on a data science-led pyramid of skills, and pre-built solutions when data complexity and talent scarcity are too big a challenge.
在业务中实施AI  - 挑战和决议




There’s a lot of noise and hype around the technology, a cloak that veils the challenge of actually implementing enterprise AI. Only 8% of firms engage in core AI practices that support widespread adoption.1


With the challenges, however, are resolutions that, if carried out effectively, improve efficiencies, create innovative operating models, and — for those brave enough — discover new revenue streams.

What is enterprise AI today?




AI can create meaningful solutions to business problems. Live Enterprise, an Infosys initiative, uses its ‘Nia’ AI capability to optimize employee and partner requests and resolutions. The platform guides users to take actions that save time, freeing them to do more challenging work.

飞轮旋转,高管必须把a strong business case in place and decide which use cases to pursue. They must then understand the implications of this road map on people, process and technology — the challenges they will face, and possible resolutions they can turn to.


Challenge No. 1: The need for lots of clean data

Google,Amazon,Facebook和Apple(统称为GAFA)擅长于AI。他们有数据 - 大量用于处理处理的数据。Google可以在每24小时进行每24小时进行的35亿次搜索中培训AI算法,而同一时期发布到Facebook的6万亿个赞”是潜在的金矿。3Gafa并没有打算成为其Genesis的AI公司,但是知识树提供了非常有利可图的水果,这太诱人了,不要咬人。

IBM云和认知软件高级副总裁Arvind Krishna指出,收集和清理这些数据是AI项目的80%,而较小的公司可能需要一年多的时间才能完成此过程。4Many lose faith and run out of patience.




This bouquet of algorithms needs to function as a unit and scale up easily to work on enterprise systems. They will vary among industries and will be dependent on data type (a complex document of text and images is very different from a text document of five lines).

Challenge No. 3: Complex data types

Many algorithms exist for processing complex data types such as video and audio. Their accuracy is often questionable, however, and there is the further challenge of scaling the solutions.


复杂的算法,巨大的数据集,苏ch as those found in Amazon Alexa, can take days to train. According to AI consultant Andrew Burgess, any improvement in processor speed will ensure that AI systems remain useful while using up-to-date models.5Cloud computing is a boon here; AI-as-a-service uses specialized hardware that carries out processing on demand — a sure-fire catalyst for the democratization of AI.


实时或“流” - 洞察力的处理和生成在不破坏交易系统的情况下具有挑战性。

“Most of the algorithms today are built on offline insights,” says Dr. Raghavan, chief data scientist at Infosys. “The algorithms are scored against a model built on historical data. A new area of research that many experts are looking at is ‘How do we build models that are valid for data that was generated in the last half hour?’”

Challenge No. 6: Multiple providers with varying strengths

The sheer variety of AI platforms and vendors can be daunting for any business executive to contend with. There are tech giants such as GAFA that have cloud-based platforms to build models, understand granular data and deploy models into production. Then there are companies like RapidMiner, DataRobot and Dataiku that have built their own frameworks, with features evolving every six months or so. Finally, there are startups exploring just one aspect of the entire ecosystem.

A large enterprise such as a big bank or consumer goods manufacturer, will run proofs of concept to decide the functional areas in which to run these solutions, or whether to use an enterprise wide solution at all. For this, firms must employ in-house talent to understand vendor nuances, the algorithms in use, ease of implementation, data sources, ease of training and so on.

“Evaluating platforms is not easy work. You must test them out, understand their core production and capability, and determine whether they can be used in day-to-day operations,” says Dr. Raghavan.


In larger firms, different divisions may develop their own algorithms, leading to duplication if code is not shared between teams. These inefficiencies increase costs and ultimately lead to inconsistency across the enterprise. This can even affect how regulators view a firm’s use of AI, particularly if it seems that there is no single methodology or framework in place.

Challenge No. 8: Dependence on niche, expert talent


The 300,000 AI practitioners worldwide can choose from millions of AI job postings


Challenge No. 9: Developing the products

Once AI algorithms are in place, the business needs to commercialize the opportunity through the creation of products and services. This requires significant input from product designers, business analysts and business development teams. Those involved in the service design need to pay particular attention to the interfaces and user experience, and for many designers, AI is an area where they will not have expertise.

Embedding complex algorithms into existing operations and automation is also important. This calls for creating production grade AI applications that will work in legacy systems. A large telco such as AT&T might be dealing with 130 off-the-shelf software products, with data coming from 60% of those systems, which in turn may come from 10,000 databases — not an easy task for any production shop.

Challenge No. 10: Stakeholder involvement

顾问兼作家安德鲁·伯吉斯(Andrew Burgess)说:“在大多数公司中,将业务和IT利益相关者围绕桌子是一个重大挑战。”8

So too is managing expectations of business executives once they do collaborate with IT. For many, AI is seen as a magic pill that will reduce the costs of operations while improving production quality.






“The AI workbench encapsulates the data layer for a data scientist,” says Dr. Raghavan. “All they need to worry about is where to pull the data from, giving them freedom to build and validate models across geographies where hundreds of scientists will be working on the same problem.”

This means that models can be standardized, and algorithms can be reused on a global scale. It also provides a single access point for validated models to be deployed into production. The workbench should consist of the following elements:


A good workbench offers Application Programming Interface-driven development, which forgoes dependence on ultra-niche talent. It also enables code reuse and knowledge sharing. Here, interactions with a program are standardized and essentially static. For example, IBM’s Watson (the heavily lauded AI capability) is just a series of APIs that each carry out a specific function, such as speech recognition or Q&A, which can be called by another program with the right access. APIs also democratize AI, since the value is no longer in the algorithm but in the amount of training that is carried out on a given dataset.


Containers — encapsulated applications with their own operating system and memory — mean that an AI application can be published as a service and can be maintained and monitored very easily. From a deployment perspective, containers ensure that downstream applications don’t worry about specific aspects of modules, libraries and functions or the AI application itself. Containers help with code reuse and sharing (like API calls) and reduce the number of complex algorithms in use.

Multicloud API enabled

即使在一个企业中,一个良好的工作台也必须具有支持多个云环境的灵活性,以促进创新和保留业务部门的自治(英国的财务部门可能会使用Microsoft Azure,而德国的采购则使用Amazon Web使用Amazon Web服务)。反过来,这解决了获得业务的挑战,以及桌子上的利益相关者迅速推动AI策略。


Guided experience

引导体验increas的“剧本”es momentum in any AI project during the design stage. The point is to showcase how the AI system will work once deployed, which can be used to attract data scientists to the project and ensure the right partner comes along for the journey. A retail banking chatbot can be simulated, for instance, offering guidance to key stakeholders on its look and feel, implications for back-end data sources and ultimately the user experience.

The guided experience is crucial for AI projects with complex algorithms and architectures. If solution architects overlook this part of the workbench, project development degenerates into “spaghetti,” with too many what-ifs occurring in design.



Very few firms make the most of AI capabilities, which, with some thought, can be integrated through effective partnering and ready-made solutions. Most often this is due to a lack of in-house data science skills and AI expertise that prevents seeing the forest for the trees. Building up a pyramid of skills dedicated to AI-specific systems is crucial.


For firms that are not highly technical or those that are less mature, we advocate hiring experienced professionals who can evaluate external talent that will ultimately build up the pyramid.


在这里,开发了特定项目的文档和“ Wiki页面”,以详细介绍企业想要建立的用例的某些方面。例如,电信公司或零售公司可能会开发推荐引擎。引擎的“下一个最佳动作”将建立在剧本上,详细说明需要创建哪些特定组件以及需要包括哪些数据源。这降低了构建正确的代码的复杂性,并简化了业务与IT CXO之间的对话。


If an enterprise wants to build an Azure stack, an Azure developer is needed who knows the Azure data lake and is familiar with Azure machine learning, Azure Cortana and so on. This might seem obvious, but is often overlooked. So too is ensuring that workers have used a particular platform, in a particular style and in a particular industry. If predictive AI for a mining company is the use case, having someone familiar with the mining industry will ensure that they solve the right problems, since they talk the same language and understand the domain. Industry-specific experience also helps ease adoption. The relevant person will know exactly where to procure a platform or pre-built solution, and will know how to influence key stakeholders, while enabling easier adoption of AI into the overall system.


Access to AI software libraries speeds up development and deployment, while proof-of-concept (POC) solutions ensure that the product is built cheaply and quickly. Pre-trained models working on huge data sets help democratize AI and counter the talent challenge.

A pre-built box of algorithms

In-house development involves a lot of cost; identifying the right resources to create AI algorithms is expensive both in planning and development. Having a pre-built library is a much more convenient way of developing an algorithm that works for any given use case.

“If, for example, I’m doing clustering or time-series regression, having a library is always a blessing,” says Dr. Raghavan.

If artifacts are available at the library level, then a developer can custom build any application very quickly.






To build an AI solution, underlying challenges must first be understood. Very rarely is the first solution similar to the final solution. Different algorithms must be tested, along with different software vendors and software frameworks, and the solution must be tested in the user environment. The POC solution created builds confidence and, more importantly, ensures that the project runs on time and isn’t a failure. Once complete, the solution is scaled up.



“When you upload a document, however complex, the pre-trained model is so sophisticated that it can derive questions and answers from the image and document by itself,” says Harinder Cour, a consultant at the Infosys Center for Emerging Technologies. “If you don’t like those questions or answers, you can ask your own questions and it will scan the entire document in real-time and give you a good answer nine times out of 10. In the future, insights will be derived from even more complex data types such as images and video.”

This pre-built solution effectively reduces the dependence on expert coders and solves the problem of processing complex data types in real-time — a truly disruptive technology if ever there was one.

The future enterprise

AI is guiding decisions on everything from bank loans to crop harvests. And it’s big business. Harvard Business Review estimates that AI will add $13 trillion to the global economy over the next decade.9However, as of this writing, most firms have only applied AI in a single business process. To improve efficiencies and identify new revenue opportunities, many challenges must be resolved, including scarcity of talent, risk-averse cultures, and an inability to imagine what the solution will look like on completion.

We advocate starting with a workbench that bridges the gulf between development and production. Building capabilities in-house must also be a priority, accelerating changes across people, process and technology. Finally, if these skills are hard to come by, pre-built solutions trained on big data can be employed to generate momentum toward AI maturity.

Before thinking about implementation, executives must put a strong business case in place, and decide which use cases to pursue. They must then understand the implications of this road map on their particular industry. Only then will they have clarity to make it back to shore and turn data into cash.

  1. Building the AI-Powered Organization, HBR, 2019
  2. How AI Boosts Industry Profits and Innovation, Accenture
  3. 帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦(Palgrave Macmillan)执行人工智能指南安德鲁·伯吉斯(Andrew Burgess)
  4. IBM主管说,数据挑战是停止AI项目。
  5. 帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦(Palgrave Macmillan)执行人工智能指南安德鲁·伯吉斯(Andrew Burgess)
  6. AI Adoption Held Back by Company Culture, Talent Shortage, Data Issues”, WSJ, 2019
  7. It’s Recruiting Season for AI’s Top Talent, and Things Are Getting a Little Zany”, MIT Technology Review
  8. 帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦(Palgrave Macmillan)执行人工智能指南安德鲁·伯吉斯(Andrew Burgess)
  9. Building the AI-Powered Organization, HBR, 2019